How It Works

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Case Studies

Transforming Regulated Data into Enterprise-Grade Consumer Insights

The Source of Record for Regulated Consumer Data - Extract bespoke, actionable insights unavailable anywhere else while enabling robust compliance.

Decorative element

Trusted by Top Companies in...

Pharma Icon


Analytics Icon


LLM Icon


Data Aggregation Icon

Data Aggregation

Enabling Collaboration with Sensitive Data


Regulated consumer records transformed into bespoke, actionable insights

196B+ Icon


Faster time to market with unique consumer intelligence

92% Icon
Decorative Element

Discover the Full Value of Your Regulated Data in 20 Minutes

See how Fortune 500 companies use Integral's Enterprise Suite to discover actionable consumer insights from regulated data. Schedule a personalized demo with the team.

According to Our Customers, Integral is Different

“We needed to move fast for a client - we couldn’t have done it without Integral”

- Executive, Top 10 Life Sciences Company

Five stars

“It was super easy, we onboard Integral into a private region of our cloud, and they were able to install their solution and run all of the analysis and get us results in a few days

- CTO, Leading Health Tech Company

Five stars

“It was fast, simple and we have confidence and trust in the results”

- Senior PM, Top 10 Life Sciences Company

Five stars

Safely Leverage Sensitive Healthcare Data at Unprecedented Speeds

Our technology makes dataset creation easier for pharmaceutical companies, payers and healthcare providers by automating the process for data de-identification and compliance certification.

Workflow Management

Collaborate with the users, stakeholders, and authorized personnel you need to throughout certification initiatives. Assign tasks and due dates, with system notifications to keep on schedule - all within the framework of each certification's specific requirements.

Workflow Management feature screenshot
Data Documentation feature screenshot

Data Documentation

Define datasets and use cases, stored centrally and version-controlled in Integral's data privacy suite.

Synthetic Sandbox

Confirm the compliant version of the data can satisfactorily achieve the commercial use case needs.

Synthetic Sandbox feature screenshot

Leverage Regulated Data and Capture All Points in a Customer Journey

With flexible deployment options, Integral securely processes regulated data across customer touchpoints, enabling companies to derive actionable insights while maintaining privacy compliance.

Fragmented Data Diagram

Integral in the News

With our software, users can quickly create de-identified datasets that are ready for use in days instead of weeks.

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